A birth story

Birth is possibly the most transformative event in a Mother’s life. No matter how (biological, surrogate, or adoptive; vaginal or c-section; medicated or unmedicated) or where (hospital, birth center, home) it’s done. The first moment you hold your baby in your arms you become a new person.

It’s a hard concept to explain in writing - you are still yourself, and yet, you’re not. You’re an enhanced version of the person that just was. You have the same interests, hobbies, dislikes (say for beets, for example). You look the same (generally).

Before baby, the focus was on the self: what are the things that I needed to feel happy and be fulfilled? After baby, focus shifts away from the self: what will the baby need to survive, be happy, be fulfilled? Your heart and soul expand exponentially. Your perspective broadens.

You haven’t forgotten about your own needs or interests or hobbies, they just take a back seat. If you gave birth you recognize the power that is within - the body’s amazing ability to carry and deliver your baby.

Even when the hormones settle you find that you’re not the same anymore. You’ve been transformed.

Babies have a birth story. So does a Mother.